The Moves We Make

Yesterday my worship leader, Jo-Jo Cramer went with me to visit some of the worksites. As we enter the house of which one of our work teams, the Leopards were painting the inside of the house and as I walked deeper into the house I heard something.

Every move I make I make in you…..

How fitting! The youth of the work team were singing the verses of “Every Move I Make.” As they were painting the inside of this house a beautiful yellow color they were singing with every stroke of this paint brush I am moving the love and grace and Jesus Christ into the wood of this house.

It was a supreme God moment.

This is why I love working with teenagers because they do amazing stuff like that.

Those teenagers ministered to me in that moment in such a powerful way that some of them may not realize. I realized in that moment a  part of the REAL being of God. Who He REALLY is.

That my friends is power, and is making a difference, and can and will change the world.

Every night at worship this week we have been sharing, “God Moments.” As we continue through our week I will be sharing some of those God moments because they are everywhere. I challenge you today to be mindful of what is going on around you and look for God in all things!


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