I love this time of year. I know what you are thinking, “Doesn’t the summer stress you out with all the stuff you have going on?” In answer to that question I provide a very quick answer, “Yes, but its complicated.”
It’s complicated because yes it is kind of hectic thinking about all the programming that is about to hit all of us “youthworkers,” but at the same time it is very exciting to sit here and think about all the amazing things that God is going to do. Most of which we have no clue what they are.
That in and of itself is so exciting.
One of my favorite parts of being in Youth Ministry is the unpredictability of it all, because there is so much, but there is our savior who promises that no matter what He is with us until the end of the age. So in that spirit I would like to share a prayer for youthworkers for the summer.
Gracious God,
During this time of crazy programming and ministry with our students and ministries across the nation and the world may we continue to recognize that you are the reason that we are here. Help us to always know that. That no matter what God you are in control. May we glorify you in all we do. Empty us of ourselves and our doubts and fill us with your Holy Spirit so that we truly are people that Christ lives within. In Jesus Name,
“Never stop believing. Never. The One who knows you best and loves you the most is with you.”
Remember always what is written in the Book of Habakkuk:
“Look among the nations and watch! Be astonished and stare because something is happening in your days that you wouldn’t believe even if you were told.” (Habakkuk 1:5)