Day 2: Return

Day Two of Lent. The theme per the ReThink Church Lent Photo Challenge is:



“Church work without soul work is just busy work.”

My candidacy mentor, Pastor Wade Killough said that to me today in a meeting with him today. I would encourage us to remove the word church and put a blank there instead.

“________ work without soul work is just busy work.”

The blank is placed intentionally because it isn’t church work that can distract us at times, its any kind of work. Today for my picture I chose a picture of my John Wesley Study Bible and my Moleskine because it represents a practice that I have very recently gotten back to doing. It’s the simple practice of reading God’s word and journaling my reflections as I read. I returned to this practice because quite honestly I desperately need it.

“The word of Christ must live in you richly.”

If it doesn’t then we are left to our own words, which lets be honest aren’t the most trustworthy of words at times to live by. For us to completely understand what life Jesus was talking about in the “abundant life” there must be a relational activity going on all the time. In order for any relationship to deepen there has to be effort on both ends. Give and take, Give and take. When we are not participating in the relationship by reading God’s word it turns into Take, Take, Take. Which doesn’t work. Ever.

So, today we return to the right understanding of what a relationship with God is supposed to be like. We return to our Heavenly Father and repent and believe in the Gospel, and when we do this God remembers us and restores us.

Holy and Awesome God,

Help us to return to you and your love and grace.
Help us to repent and believe in your gospel.
Create in us a new and faithful spirit that is connected in a vibrant relationship with you.

We ask this in Jesus’ name


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