”What does it communicate when half the global population lives on les than $2 dollars a day, and we can’t manage a fulfilling life on twenty five thousand times that amount? Fifty thousand times that amount?”
-Jen Hatmaker-
So I started reading a new book, because my awesome fiance told me that I should read it. I think that Amy is pretty dang smart so I listened and it only took for me to read to page 3 to realize that I am glad that I listened. The book, “7, an experimental mutiny against excess,” and it focuses on how much we really have. The above quote is from the introduction of the book. Here are some scary stats for you that she lists in the introduction a little bit before this excerpt that I have typed above.
“How can I be socially responsible if unaware that I reside in the top percentage of wealth in the world? (You probably do too: Make $35,000 a year? Top 4 percent. $50,000? Top 1 percent.)”
Now let’s think about this.
Over half the population lives on $2 a day.
How many of us like Starbucks?
If you know me even a little you know very well that I do. So with one cup you have spent what one person somewhere in the world spends in an entire day and if your like me, I spend that before 9 am.
I am more than sure that there will be more blog posts from this book coming in the very near future but for today I am just chewing on that little kick in the gut.
May God kick me in the gut when I surely need it and may He guide my thoughts so that I may know how to use my money not just for myself but for others as well. Life is too fleetly to just live it out of money, Life is meant to be so much more than that.
Thank you Lord for this gut check.