Hillary ‘ s Latest Debacle

So, the other day in a speech to defend her remaining in the race for the Democratic Nomination Hillary stated three historical events that happened in June. One of them was utterly, completely, and really really stupid. She referenced the assassination of Robert Kennedy which happened in June, and media has had a field day with it.
She didn’t exactly come out and specifically say that she was staying in the race just in case Obama got assassinated, but that is how her speech was perceived and perception is just as bad as the truth sometimes. Seriously let’s think about this. If your Hillary and you need a really good strategy. Let’s see lets think. If i was to referenced an assassination as to a reason to justify my staying in the race. That’s a good strategy right? Nobody would ever read into that, right?
NO! NO! and again I say NO!
Hillary, its over. With 3 primaries left in the process Barack Obama needs 56 delegates to become the Democratic presumptive nominee. It’s over. Puerto Rico has 55 delegates at stake, Could Obama take all 55? It’s highly unlikely judging by how this election has been going so far, but he will get at least half and maybe more.
There’s believing in what your doing and being determined and then there’s Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Bordering the lines of stupidity and insanity.

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