So, I was reading Google Reader earlier and I ran across a statistic that I found on Jonathon Acuff’s “Stuff Christians Like” Blog. I was reading a post called “Stillness isn’t Sexy” which of course caught my attention because that was why he chose that title, to get my attention.
It brought me back to my previous post about waiting and how if we don’t allow ourselves to wait then we don’t allow ourselves to become the people that God designed us to be. We don’t allow our soul to grow.
Stillness isn’t Sexy.
No it’s not. It’s not even normal. Well the world’s definition of normal anyway.
For the last nine or so years I have been working towards a bachelors degree. I went to several different colleges. Which has led me to graduating from Texas Wesleyan University in less than four weeks.
I have imagined for the last 5-7 years what graduating from college looks like. It’s been a dream.
That dream is slowly becoming a reality.
Imagine senioritis after working for something for almost a decade.
Do you think I like waiting or even close to being still.
Heck no.
It’s a challenge.
One thing that Jon Acuff wrote in that post was a stat that scared me.
We spend an extra month at work more than people in past generations did. Let me repeat that.
You and I found a way to work an additional month every year. I put that stat from a Harvard economist in my book Quitter because it’s terrifying.
Our lives are so busy that we have somehow, someway found it possible to work an additional month every year!? Stillness or waiting is not normal for us. We down right don’t like it, not even a little.
What I’ve learned this semester is that when we allow ourselves to be still and wait we embrace God in a way that is so real, so genuine, and so awesome that its like we are experiencing God for the first time all over again. Wow.
Experiencing God for the first time all over again?
That’s something worth working towards.
That’s a challenge worth trying to beat.
Embrace the stillness.
“Be still and know that I am God.”
So, here is a question for you.
How can you be still and wait for the Lord today?