Caring an Awful Lot

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better….It’s not.” 
-Dr. Seuss

In the Old Testament stories there is this pattern that is evident very frequently. It is listed in Psalms 106:40-46

“So the Lord’s anger burned against his people; he despised his own posssession. God handed them over to the nations; people who hated them ruled over them. Their enemies oppressed them and they were humbled under their power. God delivered them numerous times, but they were determined to rebel, and so they were brought down by their sin. But God saw their distress when he heard their loud cries. God remembered his covenant for their sake, and because of how much faithful love he has, God changed his mind. God allowed them to receive compassion from all their captors.” 
-Psalms 106:40-46-

So you see the pattern? God anger burns for the people even to the point of despising what they are doing. (Not who they are, but what they are doing), hands them over to their enemies. Then when the people cry back and are humbled then God delivers them. Again. Again. and Again. 

Now back to what the infamous Dr Seuss said.

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better….It’s not.” 

Enter Jesus. 

The getting better formula. 

The Christ. 

God cares a whole awful lot for those that he created. He cares more about his creation than his own son. God is holy and perfect and because of that he cannot look upon sin, he cannot even be around it. 

Even this does not stop God from being in relationship with his most loved part of creation. He sends his own son, Jesus to pay the penalty for the thing that kept him from having a vibrant relationship with all of us. 

He did it all for a people that always are determined to rebel. 

For a very specific reason. 

To have a relationship with us. 

It is very obvious with his intent of sending his son, but also with how Jesus does ministry with the 12 Disciples. Jesus spends intentional time with these 12 men. Living with them, talking with them, ministering to love, and showing them how to live a life that is worth something, which only happens with a relationship with Him. 

God does all this for a people that will always be determined to rebel and struggle to be what God is. Perfect. 

So Why? 

Because he cares a whole awful lot about each and every one of us. So, it’s really not about why is it? 

The real question is what are we going to do with such care for us? 

What are you going to do with this? 

God sent his very son to offer this to you and to me? 

Do you realize how huge that is? Do you realize how much God loves you? 

I pray that God will rock your soul with such love that you truly understand how huge and awesome this is. When you realize this you will truly begin a life that is worth living. 

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