Following while Confused.

So, here in the last couple of weeks I have been hit with a thought that is disturbing at the same very humbling. As I follow Jesus through my life and learn of his teachings, I find myself confused with a paradoxical and unreasonable being that is God. Now, that statement in and of itself may confuse you, but just think about it for a minute. How reasonable is our faith? It's not a reasonable notion, but somehow in the inner core of being of who we are tells us that its a part of us. Take the word faith. It means to believe in things that you cannot see or touch, which is not a reasonable thought.
Even in the scriptures it says that people saw Jesus and still didnt believe….and today I believe in Jesus but I cant see him. Or can I?
Seeing the confusion yet?
Im learning that not understanding everything is an ok notion to have. There are some things that we will never understand about God, creation, Jesus, and etc. But God tells us that the only thing that matters really is Love your neighbor as yourself and Love the Lord your God with your heart, mind, and soul. So, really its all about love. Who knew the Beatles were theologians when they sang, "All you need is Love?"
At the inner core of every human being is God. You are made in God's image which means that if God is Love then you are Love. The Greatest Commandment of loving your neighbor and loving God is just God saying be yourself, be who I created you to be. Be Love.
That is a humbling and awesome feeling. Be Love. So its ok to be follow while your confused, just be love.

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