Leaving and Thirsting


Day 18: Leaving

(“The Simple Truth Bible: Daily Devotions for Students, page 3)


Day 19: Thirst

Both of these pictures for me lead to same end, leaving what God has done and thirsting for more and more of His awesome swagger! God says to the Israelites in the book of Isaiah very confidently that they have seen nothing yet, there is this swagger about God that makes me smile, but not a swagger like we would think or even expect.

God loves us.

To the most massive possible level, so massive that the word massive dwarfs in comparison to the how big it truly is.

Think of the most massive thing that you can.

For me its the surpassing galaxies that God created. The millions and millions of galaxies in our universe that He made. My mind cannot comprehend the size of this PART of creation. It’s just a part of it.


So, today know that today blessings are




And tomorrow it will start again.

So we leave and we thirst for more.

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