

  So, last night Amy and I went to go see the latest biblical story that came to the big screen. We had done our homework, trust me. We read the book, we read review after review and article after article, and we were ready.

Mind you we knew that this would have things we probably wouldn’t agree with, and I myself actually when I go to movies that have come from another source I go into the movie expecting that this will not be the same. I think that is a healthy understanding of Hollywood, and I think and believe it is an expectation that we should have more often, but more than that. We need to have an open mind and open heart. We have to because this is the vision of someone else and that is not a bad thing, a new interpretation can be a great thing. That being said I really enjoyed the vision that was presented on screen by Darren Aronofsky is a very good one and one that I believe is about as true to the story of Noah that Hollywood is going to get.

Of course there are items in this vision that we all may not agree with, but isn’t there always and won’t there always be? Let’s remember that this is not a bad thing, but a part of the creative vision God has for creation. That we are all unique and different and although at times we may not agree but through that we may see things with fresh eyes. This movie is very good and I highly recommend you go see and figure out what you think and I pray that we don’t let reviews tell us what we think. We should do that for ourselves. So, a couple of things.

“I heard that they don’t mention God’s name at all?”

This is not a fair statement at all. Throughout the movie God is referred to as “The Creator,” which of course is still mentioning God. No the word God is never mentioned, but God is The Creator so I think this is a needless picking to say that they didn’t mention him. They do.

“It really is too dark for me…doesn’t remind me of the story I was told in my childhood.”

Ok let’s be honest. The childhood telling of Noah’s Ark is a terrible telling. This story is not cutesy, sweet, or innocent. It is dark, raw, and very violent. God wants to annihilate the world with water. This is not a cute idea. God is burdened by the wickedness of the world and wants to wipe the slate clean, and what gets wiped is lives, lots of lives. Let’s remember what the story is and what it is not.

Like I said previously do I agree with every minute of this movie? No I don’t, but I most certainly do not think it is the worst ever as many have said. I encourage to go see it and to have an openness about this new interpretation. We cannot ever think that we know best, because we don’t. Be open, ask questions, talk it out, struggle with it. This is what I believe Jesus calls us to do. Don’t close your mind or your heart, but be open, ask questions, challenge these things.

May we always be open to God and to people and may we love as He loves and show grace as He has shown it to us.
