Many images can and more than likely do pop into our minds when considering the word, “Wonder.” For me today I am in awe and wonder of God and his massive love and grace that is so explicitly expressed in Psalm 139. No matter where we go, whether to Heaven or Hell, God’s love and grace is always present with us because God himself is always present with us.
That is something that I am continually in awe and wonder of.
That God is so massive that He is over all creation in the ability to not just create but to be continually creating, and yet He is present with each of us intimately.
Awe and Wonder.
The creation in our world.
My family.
My best friend and wife.
Lord, I confess that I am overwhelmed by your blessings at the wake of every second. Praise the Lord Almighty for the blessings that He profusely rains down upon us. I think it is best expressed in the simple confession of:
“My cup overflows!”
Holy and Awesome God, thank you for your massive and enveloping love and grace and may we draw more near so that it is constantly enveloping every part of our lives!