Day 5: Settle



It would be easy for us to say, “I am just a sinner, saved by God’s grace so it doesn’t really matter what I do because God will still love me, forgive me, and extend His grace to me.”

It would be easy, but it also would be a lie.

To further facilitate this point I would like to share something from my “John Wesley Common English Study Bible” :

For John Wesley, there was both an inward and outward dimension to personal holiness. Inward holiness refers to the cleansing and renewing of our hearts and minds, which begins with faith. When we recognize God’s forgiving love in Jesus Christ, we are filled with love for God. Out of this love, the Holy Spirit cultivates thoughts and habits in us that are pleasing to God, including the love of our neighbors.

To make it simple.

If you are a true believer and devoted disciple of Jesus Christ then your life should reflect that. It should be completely obvious that you are a disciple to a perfect stranger by the way you act in all things. Now, the rub in this is that we will never do this perfectly, but thanks be to God that is why He extends grace, but as John Wesley implies when God extends His grace you extend it as well.

The operative process is that God loves us, then we love God, and then we make it our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Let’s settle for that.



Generous God vs. cheap church –



At a stewardship seminar I recently attended, Nelson Searcy of the Journey Church in New York City said that a theology of abundance underlies everything his church does in terms of stewardship. If we expect people to be generous in their giving to the church, he said, then the church needs to model that generosity and sense of abundance.


Any thoughts?

Edge Park Students Logo – Thoughts?

Edge Park Students


I give you my first attempt at a logo for the student ministry at Edge Park United Methodist Church. 

Any thoughts? 

This is not rhetorical, feedback is much appreciated.  

Updated Logo



New Opportunities

In the last couple of months God has really put something on my heart, youth ministry. I love sharing about who God is, what He is, and where He is with the youth of the today. There is something really quite beautiful when a youth gets it. They understand how much God loves them, cares for their future, and what they do with their everyday life. When a youth gets it, oh man that is awesome. 

Recently I was offered the position of Director of Student Ministries at Edge Park United Methodist Church and I am proud to tell you all today that I have accepted that offer, and I am excited about the new opportunity of sharing the love, grace, and mercy that Christ offers to all of his children. 

New opportunities mean new challenges. One of the challenges is First Mansfield Students and the fact that I have to leave a church and a youth program that has developed a lot of my ability in youth ministry. Mansfield is a very special place for me, it is the first that i have been a member of without my dad being the pastor, and there is a certain amount of eagerness to the youth I have experienced that is so inspiring to me. To all first mansfield students, you have rocked it and have inspired me to go into youth ministry. You will always have a special place in my heart. 

To new opportunities. And to the challenges they bring. In closing here is a verse that is very near to my heart. 

He has shown all you people what is good. 
And what does the Lord require of you? 
To act justly and to love mercy 
and to walk humbly with your God. 

Micah 6:8 

Rethink Church

So, what are your thoughts? Do we need to Rethink Church?