“But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” – Isaiah 40:31

Those who HOPE in the LORD will RENEW their STRENGTH. 


They will RUN and NOT GROW WEARY

They will WALK and NOT BE FAINT. 

Wow. Now that is a seriously awesome pep talk from Jesus. 

Have you ever thought about living a life without any hope at all? I would assume that its like dying a very very slow death. Most clearly because its a life that we were never intended to live. It’s a life that God doesn’t want for us, but is still possible for us at the same time. We can choose to live a life with no hope, because God’s love gives us that freedom. 

A life without hope is meaningless. 

We all crave hope. 

We need it. 

We have to have it in someway somehow. 

So, I ask you. 

What gives you hope? 

God speaks.

This past sunday the CTCYM Mission Team from Edge Park was given the opportunity to share about our experience in DeQuincy, Louisiana. I set up the sharing portion of the morning with informing the church what we did on Mission Trip and what we learned and then I was going to turn it over to the youth to share whatever they felt like sharing. 

I expected that most of my students would be nervous and would stumble over their words because I remember as a youth doing the same. MIssion Trip is such an awesome experience that most of the time you cannot put it into words. However, my students never cease to amaze me. It never ceases to surprise how much God speaks through the young people of our churches. Sunday was just another example of this. 

One student in particular just blew me away with the eloquence of his speech. From the beginning it seemed to me that he had a mission in what he was going to say and then he ended his sharing with the following: 

“I learned that God will never let go of me.” 

My goodness. What a simple yet completely powerful thing to say. 

To this day as I am writing this post I am still blown away by his confidence, and I feel that this is a message that God wants us all to hear. As a youth director I believe passionately that our young people in the churches today can change the world. They have a message that needs to be heard and they are not the church of the future but the church of today. 

God speaks through us all. Every single one of us. The problem is though sometimes we as humans judge the message based on who gives it. God does not discriminate. He will speak. Through anyone. At anytime. Anywhere. 

On Mission Trip we encourage the youth to look for Jesus because He is alive and present somewhere and everywhere. I encourage you as well to do the same. Whoever you are that is reading this look for Jesus and listen to what He is saying. Because…

God speaks. 

On the road

We are on our way to DeQuincy, Louisiana to begin our long awaited journey for CTCYM Mission Trip.

Please be in prayer for all living center leadership as we prepare to lead our groups in serving God this next week. Above all else we pray that God would teach us more about Him and ourselves and that his will be done!

Blessings to all serving!!